The Dept of Natural Recourses may allow us a limited number of contained fires for the campers. If so, we will control the total number of fires by issuing our own onsite fire permits and inspection crew.
All Campfires Must Have a Visibly Posted Fire Permit - Fire Permits can be obtained for free at the Info Booth on Main Street. Fires must be in an approved container, be attended at all times, have water and shovel next to it.
Propane firepits do not require a permit, but must be attended at all times and have water and shovel within arms reach.
We have several free hospitality fires around the Faire. These fires are maintained by volunteers. Do drop by and warm yourselves, your food and even your hearts.
Bring warm gear. The Faire is located in the highlands and is colder than in the valley. So do prepare your camp for a frosty night. It is considered disrespectful to other Faire-Goers to use an automobile to create heat. Propane heaters safe for indoors are a good option.
Burn clean and dry organic matter only. No paper, plates, cups, cardboard, newsprint, plastics, Styrofoam, treated lumber or any other material other than clean dry firewood. Trash items are harmful to our air quality and are prohibited by law. Burning of trash will be reported to our security staff. There are multiple firewood vendors at Faire.
Leave no trace. Please do not dump you pit contents on the ground. Take home with your trash or dump in the ash receptacle at the Info Booth.
24 Hour Fire Watch
If you would like to volunteer your time to help keep the site safe, see our volunteer page. Check-in at the Volunteer Bus to sign-up for crews needed day and night.
Unauthorized Fires
Non-permit fires or fires built directly on the earth will be doused by our fire watch crew, our security notified and violators are likely to be escorted out of the Faire and passes voided.
Fire Permit Requirements
On-site campfire permits are issued to responsible parties who are willing to share their fire with others. A limited number of these free permits are available at the Info Booth, provided you meet these basic requirements.
1 - All fires must be in an acceptable steal or ceramic fire container.
2 - Fires must be attended at all times.
3 - Fires must have a shovel nearby.
4 - Fires must have five gallons of water nearby.
5 - All fires must have a nearby visibly posted Fire Permit.
Fires Container
Must use an acceptable steal or ceramic fire container to protect the earth and contain fire:
1 - A freestanding wood stove
2 - A cut down steel drum
3 - A washing machine suitable container.
Leave no trace. Please do not dump you pit contents on the ground. Take home with your trash or dump in the ash receptacle at the Info Booth.