
Entry begins at 8 am on Friday. Gates close at dark for safety and exact time will be determined by the gate crew. The event ends at 5pm Sunday. Please arrange camping offsite if you need to arrive in the area early or stay longer.

Primitive Camping

Camping at the Faire is primitive in that drinking water is scarce. Potable water may not be close to your camp, so bring your own water. Each camping pass includes enough space for your vehicle, a tent and ample camping space. Camp sites do not include fire pits or tables. There is no electricity and gas generators are not permitted. Vehicles over 24 ft will need to pay a $20 oversized vehicle/RV fee.


Restrooms are located around the faire circle and in camping areas with some of the larger sets having hand washing stations.

Help Us Steward - Please, Pack it Out

We do have recycling  collection kiosks in and around the trade circle - which is a bit of a walk from camp sites. You are responsible for removing your own garbage. It helps to plan for a leave no trace camping experience and to sort your recyclables before tossing the bags of garbage - please make time for this before departing- respect the land. Please do not leave behind or bury your waste. Do not dump firepits onto the ground. Your site is your responsibility, enjoy it and clean it when you leave so others may do the same. Your responsible for sorting your recyclables at the kiosks and hauling your own garbage upon exit. Please pack in & pack it out.

Be Prepared!

There is no in and out. If you leave the faire in your vehicle at any point, you'll pay full price to get back in. This substantially reduces traffic up and down the road for all fairgoers. There is no electricity or cell service, plan accordingly.

Cold Frosty Nights

Bring some warm gear. The Faire is located in the highlands and is cooler than Tonasket. It is disrespectful to all neighbors to run your automobile to create heat.

No Cell Service / So Plan Ahead

If the site fills, the gate will be closed to entry, whatever the day or hour. Know this is a possibility when planning rides with others before or after you. Buy all necessary supplies and make that phone call before you lose service. Tonasket is the last town with cell service when coming from the West and both Republic & Curlew have cell service when coming from the East.

No Drugs or Alcohol

We don't allow the sales of drugs or alcohol at the Faire. No public displays of paraphernalia. No open alcohol containers. If we see it, you will be asked to leave our grounds.

Pre-Faire Camping

Tonasket Chamber of Commerce RV Park: RV Hookups and Tent Camping; (509)-486-1090
Bonaparte Lake Resort: Cabins, RV Hookups & Tent Camping; (509) 486-2828
Lost Lake Campground: Tent Camping
Aeneas Valley Camping @ Long Lake, Lyman Lake (Dispersed Campin), Round Lake (Camping/Restroom), and Elk Lake

©1974-2024 Okanogan Family Barter Faire - All Rights Reserved
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